Planning excellence for Chester County.

Growth is inevitable, but balanced growth is not. It is the balance of growth and the conservation of our heritage, agriculture and natural resources that makes Chester County one of the best places to live in Pennsylvania, if not America. It’s no accident. It’s a plan.
Chester County has 73 municipal governments, each with its own citizen leadership. That is one of our great strengths. It is also a challenge. That means there are more than 1,000 citizen leaders actively involved in land use, growth management and conservation planning here in our County. There are also developers, engineers, surveyors, planners, lawyers, agriculturalists, business owners, conservationists, educators, and other citizens and taxpayers from all walks of life who have a deep professional and personal interest in balanced, planned growth. The task is to educate them about the somewhat complicated land use law and about the planning process that applies in Pennsylvania. The challenge is to promote informed, thoughtful, congenial, and effective dialogue between them. That requires education, conversation and collaboration. That is the purpose of Chester County 2020.
Back in 1996, the County adopted its first “Landscapes” Comprehensive Plan – an award-winning accomplishment – several visionary leaders, devoted to the County’s future, believed that a non-profit organization was needed to communicate, convene and promote the principles and vision of the Landscapes Comprehensive Plan. Thus, Chester County 2020 was borne.
Chester County 2020 is neither pro-development nor pro-conservation. Chester County 2020 is pro-planning, pro-citizen leadership and pro-balanced growth. Chester County 2020 knows that there are different population changes within Chester County municipalities. Each one has different resources, heritage, vision, and futures. It is up to the diverse citizenry of each municipality to determine and influence the right land use balance. Chester County 2020 promotes excellence in that process. Chester County 2020’s singular purpose is to help all citizens make better-informed growth management decisions.
Board Members:
George Asimos, Esquire. A lawyer, former Township and County Planning Commissioner and Township Supervisor.
Tommy Ciccarone, A commercial real estate broker and long time Chester County resident.
Dottie Ives Dewey, AICP, Ph.D. An Associate Dean and Professor of geography and planning at West Chester University and professional land use planner.
Judy Difilippo. Former small business owner, past Township and county Planning Commissioner, former Township Supervisor and non-profit organization leader.
John B. (Jock) Hannum, Esquire. A lawyer and conservationist devoted to foxhunting heritage and the Unionville equine community.
Denny Howell, P.E. A civil engineer with extensive land use experience throughout Chester County.
Bill Reynolds. An accomplished executive and former Township Planning Commissioner and Supervisor
Lauren Van Dyk. A professionally trained land use planner, former Borough Council member and advocate for Chester County agriculture.
Chester County 2020
PO Box 989
Malvern, PA 19355