Planning excellence for Chester County.


The Course in Community Planning
$160 ($110 is for PMPEI Costs and $50 for Programming)
9/12/24, 9/19/24, and 9/26/24
6:15-9:30 PM Arrive at 6:00 for the first week.
Food will be provided
West Chester University Graduate Center, Room 306
1160 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA

This course teaches planning commissioners, local officials, and others how to carry out their responsibilities under the PA Municipalities Planning Code. Participants learn where planning fits in the framework of local government, how planning commissioners relate to the governing body, zoning hearing board, and zoning officer. Topics include basic knowledge of the Municipalities Planning Code, comprehensive planning, plan implementation including zoning, subdivision and land development regulations, the Official Map, and how effective planning commissions work together. Multi-municipal planning and implementing planning agreements is emphasized. The course is designed for new and experienced planners and officials.

The Course in Subdivision & Land Development Review
$160 ($110 is for PMPEI Costs and $50 for Programming)
10/10/24, 10/17/24, 10/24/24
6:15-9:30 PM Arrive at 6:00 for the first week.
Food will be provided
West Chester University Graduate Center, Room 306
1160 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA

This course deals with the work of planning commissions in the subdivision and land development review process—from pre-application meetings through project completion. Extensively revised in 2005, the course emphasizes the MPC as the source of authority to regulate development. Planning commissions have a central role play in the land development process which is an integral part of a community’s comprehensive planning program. New in the course are flexible design concepts and options for better project design. Participants learn new skills for administering the review process, reviewing plans, and calculating impacts of development. The course also covers techniques for incorporating internal and external reviews in plan review, and how information sharing can improve local and regional planning.

The Course in Zoning
$160 ($110 is for PMPEI Costs and $50 for Programming)
11/7/24, 11/14/24, and 11/21/24
6:15-9:30 PM Arrive at 6:00 for the first week.
Food will be provided
West Chester University Graduate Center, Room 306
1160 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA

This course addresses the fascinating, complex, and contentious topic of zoning. We will examine how zoning evolved in the United States and how this history continues to shape the way zoning is practiced in 21st century Pennsylvania. The course begins with a review of the Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) authority for zoning and presents “nuts and bolts” fundamentals for drafting zoning ordinances and amendments.

Included in the course are advanced techniques such as overlay and performance zoning, planned residential development, and traditional neighborhood development. The relationship of zoning to comprehensive planning and the need for them to be consistent is emphasized. The course includes mapping exercises and analyses of zoning ordinance provisions. Problem situations and ethical dilemmas in zoning are discussed. The role of the planning commission with other individuals and local agencies in zoning administration, as well as procedures for enacting zoning ordinances and guidelines for rezoning, are discussed in detail.

All planning commissioners, elected officials, code officers, zoning hearing board members and the public interested in zoning are encouraged to attend.

Chester County 2020
PO Box 989
Malvern, PA 19355